Mette Bocks talepapir
Kulturminister Mette Bock åbnede Heritage Fridays 2017, hvor hun blandt andet talte om vigtigheden i at beskytte kulturværdier og dansk tiltrædelse af 2. protokol til Haager-konventionen af 1954.
“If you destroy a people’s identity, you destroy the people. If you destroy the symbols of the past, you erase it. But then you also destroy something that has immense value for all of us.
A joined international effort to protect cultural property has to do with mutual respect. It has to do with the identity and values of all nations, of all peoples.
Today, however, a still larger number of armed conflicts are of a non-international character, where even horrific acts of terrorism have become a daily feature.
This type of conflict has increased the need to take further action towards protecting our cultural heritage.
The best way to ensure this is a strong international community working together. The second protocol to the Hague-Convention is a political platform towards this end.”
Læs hele ministerens talepapir på Kulturministeriets hjemmeside.